She was outspent maybe 3-4 to 1. She was out organized. She had nothing new to say. She had Bill trip over his tongue yet again and hog the air time for the last two days with yet another cascading set of transparent lies [more and more Bill seems a man of the early 90's who simply does not grok that google, youtube etc. make his old sort of lies near impossible - it is ALL on the public record these days]. She's winning by ten points anyway.
But that isn't the real story. The REAL story is the county breakdowns. Leave out Philly plus the inner burbs and Obama could have stayed home. Now many of the HRC voters who swear they will never vote for Obama will come home. Nature of our system is that given any Democrat v any Republican a lot of these people are and remain hereditary Democrats. A lot more will just vote against the party in power - war, Bush fatigue, economy, general feeling of lack of governnance, health care, gasoline prices...- BUT Dems are clinging to dozens of House seats across the US in what based on 1994-2004 are red districts. If 10% of the national Dem base defects [stays home, votes Republican, votes third party] that translates as 20-25% in those Blue Dog districts. GOP lacks the cash and candidate recruitment to cash in on ALL of this but the HRC argument that she can bring out the base is looking better all the time, the more so if McCain somehow acquires a political brain and nominates a VP with appeal to those demographics.Labels: The Ice Bitch Comes
posted by scott 8:31 PM